
“…you are leading us toward the goal of completely uniting The Land, from the west coast mountain range through the vast central rainforest, to the highlands in the east and the plains in the south.”

The Land

“…you are leading us toward the goal of completely uniting The Land, from the west coast mountain range through the vast central rainforest, to the highlands in the east and the plains in the south.”
— Excerpt from A Buzz Volume 1 by Jacob Lightman

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“…Jaway’s military glider had eight walls with clear windows from floor to ceiling, along with three inner levels. The bottom of the octagonal prism housed many rooms, including the kitchen, living quarters, gym, and engine room. The level above this contained the lower control room, and the next story was the upper control room, which provided views in every direction. An elevator ran in the center up to the rooftop. Thankfully, the bomb planted by the rebel group only damaged the outer front side of the glider. These and many other technological advancements empowered The Land to unite most regions from coast to coast.”
— Excerpt from A Buzz Volume 1 by Jacob Lightman

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“Six hundred years before… Crawldsay was the capital city and was located farther inland and north of Zander, the capital during Jaway’s life. Crawldsay was a fortified city right on the edge of the rainforest. It had been built over the span of two thousand years, from when The Land originally began. The rainforest had been depleted over that time, and farmland acted as a buffer between it and the city.”
— Excerpt from A Buzz Volume 1 by Jacob Lightman

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